Saturday 13 October 2012

GRINDING ey justin 

dear one directioner's 
"Justin copied 1D in his new music video #BAAB" Justin rented a water park and 1D has one scene with a plastic pool.. IN YOUR FACE.Just saying' :/ haha so yeye admit it you really thought someone had stole justin's laptop natttt ahha  we all got pranked by the number one prankster that is justin bieber defiantly got his publicity for the video though. 
The grinding with Nicki Minaj :o why why why why that was so unnecessary beliebers was crying at the fact justin was dancing around with girls in bikini's then he went and 'grinded with Nicki :( you trying to kill us justin!!
anyway if you haven't already seen the video you really really need to click here lets get more views for justin!! JUSTIN I LOVE YOU !  

sooo right first before i even start posting to usee, go and follow @aliviaedwardsXo thanks guyss x